Fixation is the key word to sum up the nature of Vishakha Nakshatra. Though their single mindedness in pursuing their goal is unmatched. Vishakha usually functions as an obsessive, goal-oriented nakshatra with complete disregard for the nature of the means employed to achieve the desired end.
Vishakha has a lot to do with marriage. Most of Vishakha lies in the sign governing marriage – Libra. Despite its association with celebrations, Vishakha cannot be seen as a pleasant nakshatra. When striving towards a goal becomes the only objective in life, one is likely to have little peace of mind and will definitely miss the true essence of life. This is a primary theme of Vishakha – pursuing unwholesome goals in questionable ways and creating bad karma as a result. This sense of emptiness is a continuous feature throughout the lives of Vishakha natives. Fire is never satiated no matter how much or how long it consumes. They are always concerned about what they don’t have, rather than making use of what they have.
Vishakha is one of the most active nakshatras because of its obssessive approach to things. After attaining its desired goal, it sets itseif another goal and so on and so on…. its activity is ceaseless. This is probably the reason why a lot of Vishakha types cannot give a reason for some of the bad things they have done. It is as if some external force grips them and makes them act thoughtlessly without reflection.
There is a certain jubilation aspect to Vishakha natives which shows itself in love of pomp and ceremony. Very often those among Vishakhas who choose the path of the senses end up becoming mad party types. Vishakha natives easily fell prey to excesses in regards to sex and alcohol. They are the ones who have an overwhelming need to flock to the local bar.
Body Parts : Arms and the Breasts are the body parts related to this nakshatra.
Direction : It is related primarily to west & north.
- 1st Pada 20° 00′ – 23° 20′ Libra falls in Aries Navamsa and is ruled by Mars. This pada is all about energy, impulse, and very high social ambitions. The focus here is on relationships, but passion and instinct are likely to dominate instead of commitment and depth. A well placed Mars or Venus are the most suitable planets for this pada.
- 2nd Pada 23° 20′ – 26° 40′ Libra falls in Taurus Navamsa ruled by Venus. Endurance and durability are the hallmarks of this pada. Planets here tend to give success in Venusian pursuits. Material ambitions are strong here and since this is the Pushkara navamsa pada they are fulfilled to the degree allowed by the chart as a whole.
- 3rd Pada 26° 40′ – 30° 00′ Libra falls in Gemini Navamsa ruled by Mercury. There’s a definite conflict between two opposing forces here – one force demands the native to be lighthearted, openminded and jovial, while the other promotes selfishness, deception and anxiety. Only well placed Mercury and Saturn can be counted on for giving good results in this pada.
- 4th Pada 00° 00′ – 3° 20′ Scorpio falls in Cancer Navamsa ruled by Moon. This is the most pointed of all Vishakha’s padas. The turmoil here takes place on the emotional plane, making this a highly volatile, transformative and dangerous part of the zodiac In its lowest aspect, it is highly vindictive and revengeful and embodies most of the despicable, human qualities. Only a well placed Jupiter can give the widom to navigate through the stormy waters of this pada.
Profession : Bartenders, Alcohol & Liquor Industry, Fashion Models & Actress, All professions involving use of speech like TV & Radio Broadcasters, Politicians, Cults & other types of Idealogical Fanatics, Religious Fundamentalists, Professional Agitators; Soldiers; Dancers; Critics; Criminals & Mafia, Custom & Immigration Officials, Prostitution & Militant Revolutionaries.
Vishakha natives can be found in all types of professions but usually have a tendency to switch Professions throughout their lives.
Planetary Rulership : Venus, Mars, Pluto, Ketu and Jupiter are the three planetary influences connected to Vishakha. Jupiter is the main ruler of this asterism, while Venus, Mars, Pluto and Ketu rule the respective signs that Vishakha occupies.
Venus, Jupiter’s counterpart and adversary, is connected with the first three padas of Vishakha. It is the natural antagonism between the energies of these two planets which makes Vishakha a turbulent nakshatra. Pluto/Ketu influence in the Scorpio part of Vishakha lends a great deal of impulsiveness, explosive drama and self destructiveness. Only when channeled into more occult areas can this energy act as a medium for transformation.
Venus-Jupiter, Venus-Mars, Venus-Mars-Ketu, Jupiter-Mars and Jupiter-Mars-Ketu-Venus conjunctions carry energy similar to Vishakha Nakshatra. only Jupiter functions well in this nakshatra in the present day and age.
Example : Hermann Goering, has his Moon in Vishakha. Nothing much needs to be said about a man who was one of the main forces behind the fanatical Nazi movement. His life brings out the obssessive maniac streak of Vishakha.